
Expertise: Bryan Adams Photography

Editor of Alexander Lyapin - about photos by musician Bryan Adams.
Брайан Адамс
55 years oldBryan Adams,

Born in 1959 in Kingston, Canada, in the family of a diplomat. At the age of 14 worked as a dishwasher to save money for a guitar, and at the age of 27 already recorded an album with a glam rockband Sweeney Todd. In 1979 his very first single Let Me Take You Dancing was produced. A year later – his first album, Bryan Adams. In a few years the album received “golden” status in Canada thanks to its high sales. The third album of Bryan Adams, Cuts Like a Knife, brought him international recognition, especially in the US. The next album, Reckless, produced in 1984, hit the record number of sales – 12 million copies around the world. In the same year Bryan began his first world tour. Throughout his overall musical career Bryan Adams produced ten studio albums and 67 singles.
His Interest In Photography

Adams’ career as a photographer started accidentally: the musician needed his own portrait for an album cover and he decided to do it himself.

Today Adams, besides his musical activity, does professional photography. His images have been published in Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Esquire, Interview. Personal exhibitions of Adams have been displayed around the world from 1999 and on. He supports PETA, the animal rights defenders, working for them as a photographer, even created his own Zoo Magazine he shoots photo-sessions with celebrities for. Adams published two books of his photographs — Made In Canada and Heaven, donating the profits off their sales to Breast Cancer Fund.

“I think you should respect the people you work with, the people you shoot, whether it’s a man or a woman. You need to realize that they are human beings and only then you’ll succeed”, – Bryan Adams states.

“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/9.png”,
“text”: “Photoshoot For Zoo Magazine”,
“alt”: “Съёмка для Zoo Magazine”
“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/7.png”,
“text”: “Photoshoot For Harper’s Bazaar/Lindsay Lohan”,
“alt”: “Съёмка для Harper’s Bazaar/Линдси Лохан”
“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/6.png”,
“text”: “Photoshoot For Zoo Magazine/Mickey Rourke”,
“alt”: “Съёмка для Zoo Magazine/Микки Рурк”
“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/5.png”,
“text”: “Elle Macpherson/Lindsay Lohan”,
“alt”: “Эль Макферсон/Линдси Лохан”
“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/3.png”,
“text”: “Jared Leto/Georgia May Jagger для Harper’s Bazaar”,
“alt”: “Джаред Лето/Джорджия Мэй Джаггер для Harper’s Bazaar”
“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/11.png”,
“text”: “Victoria Beckham for Zoo Magazine”,
“alt”: “Виктория Бекхэм для Zoo Magazine”

Singers, actors, socialites and even members of British royal family pose for Adams the photographer. The photoportraits of his colleagues including Sting, Celine Dion, Lindsey Lohan, Amy Winehouse, Peter Gabriel, Annie Lennox, Mick Jagger, Placido Domingo and many others, are well known. In 2002 Bryan, among a few other photographers, was invited to shoot portrait of Queen Elizabeth II. As a result, one of his images, where Queen Elizabeth poses with Prince Phillip, was chosen for display in the National Portrait Gallery of London, and the second one became base for a Canadian postal stamp. In 2006 Bryan Adams shot series of photos about a day in life of Mickey Rourke – where he dines surrounded by his family, watches TV with his favorite little dog, lays around in bed with female beauties. Critics found the photos “provocative and natural”. Soon after Adams received a popular photography award Lead for those.

“In his photography, Bryan Adams came through as a true rocker”
Александр Ляпин
57 years oldAlexander Lyapin,

Born in 1956. Graduated historical faculty of Kiev Pedagogical Institute. Worked as a reporter in the international agency GP, had been the head editor for newspaper “Evening News” (“Vecherniye Vesti”) for 10 years. Today – the head editor for internet-magazine, writes articles on photography.

Prefers pop-ballads over rock-n-roll madness of Bryan Adams. What else can a person who practices vegan lifestyle sing? But it seems that, while composing his sugary love songs, Adams still always falls under the influence of the rock-n-roll injection received in his early career.

“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/8.png”,
“text”: “Tilda Swinton”,
“alt”: “Тильда Суинтон”
“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/41.png”,
“text”: “Tilda Swinton/Mick Jagger”,
“alt”: “Тильда Суинтон/Мик Джаггер”
“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/2.png”,
“text”: “Mickey Rourke”,
“alt”: “Микки Рурк”
“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/111.png”,
“text”: “Amy Winehouse”,
“alt”: “Эми Уайнхаус”
“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/10.png”,
“text”: “John Newman for Zoo Magazine”,
“alt”: “Джон Ньюмен для Zoo Magazine”
“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/12.png”,
“text”: “Helmut Berger for Zoo Magazine”,
“alt”: “Хельмут Бергер для Zoo Magazine”

Bryan Adams was the one who found photography, photography didn’t find him. And in photography he came through as a true rocker. By making that auto portrait for the album cover and by taking a good look at his own face, Bryan, like Alice in Wonderland, fell into a completely different world. He remained an intellectual and stayed true to beauty, but his refinement turned into brutality. While hardcore rock-n-roll fanatics can’t seem to find stern and original moves in Adams’ music, his photography contains just that. His photography reflects his full freedom, sincerity and even unruliness. Adams allowed Mickey Rourke do whatever pleased him during the home photoshoot mentioned above. Through the series he achieved critical acclaim of a rebel, being accused in erotic tendencies. But of course. Sex, drugs & rock-n-roll is what attracts Adams the photographer. Because it’s the forbidden fruit for Adams the musician. He draws out the souls of his models and puts it on display. Take a look at the monochromatic portraits of Amy Winehouse, Ray Liotta, Tilda Swinton – with her amazing, borderline freakish face that projects danger. Look at the way he manipulated the old genius Helmut Berger in his own house! Adams managed to capture death, agony and immortality all together.

Bryan’s photos inspire constant sexual tension through the intricate mechanics that he has working smoothly so far. His models in the magazine photos appear to be captured during their intercourse with the invisible. They seem to be orgasming, swear to God. Let’s say that music is the spirit that puts you in the state of ecstasy – Bryan Adams with photo camera is that very music that rules not the stage but your body and soul.

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