
Portfolio: Vladislav Dubovsky

In our rubric "Portfolio" young photographers feature their works and answer questions of the editors. Today's issue is dedicated to 18-year-old Vladislav Dubovsky who takes interest in art and metaphysical photography

In our section “Portfolio” Bird In Flight editors present photos of budding photographers who work in various genres, and ask them to share why they decided to do photography, what goals they pursue, who they have learned from and what they have learned . Today’s issue is on Vladislav Dubovsky’s portfolio.

Vladislav Dubovsky, age 18

Lives in Kyiv, Ukraine. Has been published in Used Magazine, Contributor Magazine, Dreck Magazine, CRUST Magazine.

When did you get involved into photography?
In 2011 when I came across an old camera I wanted to check if it was working so I put a roll of film in it. When it was developed the frames turned out empty, but not because of the camera. Apparently I didn’t rewind the film correctly. While waiting to rewind other rolls I felt a rush and at some point I realized that I was hooked.
What do you shoot?
I like to experiment, the vast majority of my works are art and metaphysical photography. My main interest are objects and the contexts represented inside photos. I often use flash as a stylistic element during my shoots. I think it fits into the principles of my photography, it seems natural and emphasizes the dynamics.
Why do you consider photography your thing?
I do not. I am just trying to do what I like and grow in that field. Presently it is photography.

{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/vlad_01.jpg”, “alt”: “Портфолио: Владислав Дубовский 1”},
{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/vlad_02.jpg”, “alt”: “Портфолио: Владислав Дубовский 2”},
{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/vlad_03.jpg”, “alt”: “Портфолио: Владислав Дубовский 3”},
{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/vlad_04.jpg”, “alt”: “Портфолио: Владислав Дубовский 4”},
{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/vlad_05.jpg”, “alt”: “Портфолио: Владислав Дубовский 5”},
{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/vlad_06.jpg”, “alt”: “Портфолио: Владислав Дубовский 6”},
{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/vlad_07.jpg”, “alt”: “Портфолио: Владислав Дубовский 7”},
{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/vlad_08.jpg”, “alt”: “Портфолио: Владислав Дубовский 8”}

What, in your opinion, makes a good photograph?
For me a good photograph is not the one that you would call beautiful, unusual, or correct from the perspective of composition. A good shot keeps on going, continues to live its own life, has a profound effect on you, stays on your mind, and brings up emotions.
What difficulties do you run into as a photographer?
The only difficulty I’ve encountered is not having a camera handy when I need it the most.
Whose experience do you find interesting?
No one’s. I intentionally stay away from studying others experiences in order not to fall under the influence of other photographers.
What camera do you shoot with?
Contax T2.
Do you earn a living off photography?
No, I haven’t received any assignments just yet. But hopefully in the near future it will happen.

{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/vlad_09.jpg”, “alt”: “Портфолио: Владислав Дубовский 9”},
{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/vlad_10.jpg”, “alt”: “Портфолио: Владислав Дубовский 10”},
{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/vlad_11.jpg”, “alt”: “Портфолио: Владислав Дубовский 11”},
{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/vlad_12.jpg”, “alt”: “Портфолио: Владислав Дубовский 12”},
{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/vlad_13.jpg”, “alt”: “Портфолио: Владислав Дубовский 13”},
{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/vlad_14.jpg”, “alt”: “Портфолио: Владислав Дубовский 14”},
{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/vlad_15.jpg”, “alt”: “Портфолио: Владислав Дубовский 15”}

What else do you like to do?
Besides photography, I’m involved into graphic design, I also want to give video art a shot. I am presently working on a project titled «Vyo». It’s an online publication that features music, cinema, and written news in Ukraine as well as around the world.
What are your goals?
I’d like to wrap up the photo project I’ve been working on this summer, and to publish it in a photo book. The project is about the rise of patriotic spirit and the popularization of national symbolism in Kyiv.

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