
10 Favorite Photos: Charalampos Kydonakis

A girl with a radiator, furious geese, zombie in Stockholm underground among the favorite photos of Charalampos Kydonakis.
Charalampos Kydonakis

Born and raised on Crete. Studied architecture at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Lives in Santiago de Cuba, Republic of Cuba.


2010, Crete: This image is taken in a village in the Asterousia mountains. I was there for a wedding. This image is shot at 07:00 the next morning at the end of the wedding where the last remaining guests were having fun. Finally, I slept out in the fields that morning, I couldn’t drive back home.



2010, Lisbon: The last day of that trip I was walking in the Mouraria neighborhood and at some moment I saw this girl moving this radiator. It was the beginning of January, I guess her house was cold.



2009, Athens: That day I decided to buy a flash as I got bored with shooting silhouettes against the sunlight for 2 hours. I pointed the flash up from a low height and got this result. My photos from that day and on got their own light.



2016, New York City: Manhattan is full of people with cables talking to their phones. After a certain point this permanent image becomes tiring. Places where people are less technology-addicted seems more interesting to me. I shot this one somewhere near Harlem.



2011, Rome: I had fixed the wrong camera settings and this beautiful black girl was over-exposed and turned into white for a moment.



2012, Kastoria: I saw these ducks near the lake and went out of the car to take a picture of them. I think they were not that friendly to a tourist in their town.



2011, Sevilla: Even if Andalucia’s climate is really dry, these 5 days that I was there it was very rainy. I read afterwards that it hadn’t been like that since 70 years now in April. This is an image from a day that it didn’t rain that much.



2014, Oslo: I was hanging around in a park in the night. There were no people around to take photos of, so I started shooting the statues.



2012, Stockholm: This one is shot in Stockholm’s subway where a lot of strange creatures were around that day. Once in Berlin I took a similar photo, pointing at the opposite subway stairs and the guy I shot got furious: he went down the stairs and ran climbing to the stairs where I was, shouting at me to delete the photo. The Stockholm zombie proved to be more calm than the Berliner, he didn’t bite.



2009, Brussels: It was December and really cold there. Belgium has the world’s greatest beer, so I drank some bottles to warm up and then took some portraits in a square. I don’t remember much from that night.


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