“As a journalist, you are no longer considered just a neutral observer” 7 109 Emine Ziyatdinova 24.09.2014
Ohad Matalon: “I lie everywhere and about everything, just for fun” 3 577 Lubov Borschevskaya 16.09.2014
Maksim Dondyuk: “Photography To Me Is Like a Diary: Snap It and Move On” 14 655 Eugene Safonov 03.09.2014
Brendan Hoffman: “I was at risk of being kidnapped or shot for the first time in my career” 7 129 Oksana Parafeniuk 09.07.2014
Donald Weber: “The most important factor in my career is independence” 4 091 Eugene Safonov 31.03.2014