Soldiers Wearing Nazi Insignia Appear in Presidential Campaign Image of Donald Trump

Staff of the US Presidential Candidate used a stock image featuring re-enactors wearing uniform of the Hitler’s army.

On July 14th, the US Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump tweeted a campaign image using motifs of US military power, but the image accidentally featured soldiers wearing Nazi Germany symbols, writes The Guardian.

The original image used for the campaign image is available on

{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Donald-Trump_02.jpg”, “text”: “”}

The tweet used the tag #MakeAmericaGreatAgain. The campaign image features the caption: “We need real leadership. We need results. Let’s put the U.S. back into business.”

{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Donald-Trump_01.jpg”, “text”: “”}

The tweet was quickly removed and a “young intern” was blamed for posting the image.

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