Now Somebody Can Have Virtual Sex with a Model That Looks Like You

A sex video chat service uses face recognition technology to recommend partners who look like a person in the photograph provided by user., a Belgian website that specializes in intimate video chats, presents a new service to its users — a photo-based search of ‘doppelgängers’ among webcam models (women, men, and transgender people working for the website, who have sex video chats with the clients for money). The Verge reports that the service is based on face recognition technology. A user can upload a photograph of anybody — a stranger, a celebrity, or a girl next door — and the search instrument will find the most similar-looking web partner for an intimate online chat. According to MegaCams, this creates the impression for the users they are engaging in an intimate encounter with the object of their sexual fantasies.

In a comment to The Verge, a website representative who called himself Eddy L. said that communities dedicated to searching ‘doppelgängers’ among porn stars or webcam models based on photographs have long been present on the Internet. “We just give them the tools right now to make that search easier,” Eddy says.

The Verge also says that the search results not always live up to the expectations due to the choice being limited to the models who are working for MegaCams. Besides, it is currently difficult to use the service due to a large number of already submitted requests for finding ‘doppelgängers’.

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