Witnesses With Cameras Will Get Paid

News aggregator Fresco News launched a service to receive photos and video from the scene of news.

An American company, Fresco News launched Fresco Dispatch — an on-line platform that will connect media entities with the witnesses of breaking news incidents who are interested in selling photos or videos.

Fresco Dispatch staff, with a help of geotags, will identify people who installed the app and are located close to the breaking news incident. These people will be alerted of the incident and then can shoot photos or videos and sell the material.

Starting price for a photo is $10, and $40 for a video. News media who want to have access to the material will a monthly subscription fee of $700. 71 organizations have already signed up.

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{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/assignments.png”, “text”: “”},
{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/camera.png”, “text”: “”}

Cover photo: Depositphotos

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