Futuristic Apple Campus Captured from a Drone

Duncan Sinfield captured a ring-shaped Apple campus under construction with his DJI Inspire 1 drone.

Sinfield marked some details in the video: tunnels that connect different campus buildings, construction cranes, which decreased in numbers during the last month, the backlight of the building, development lab, and underground hall for presentations. Sinfield documents the progress of construction almost monthly, other related videos are available on his YouTube channel.

The construction of the campus, which occupies 0.7 sq.km in Cupertino started in 2014. It is planned that the building which was designed by Foster + Partners bureau will house 12,000 workers, a fitness center, a concert hall, a cafe, lounges and other infrastructure. The ring will get all of its energy supply from renewable sources (such as solar panels on its roofs). The construction is scheduled to finish by the end of 2016, and the first employees will move to the new campus in 2017.

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