Amateur Adidas Advertising Created by a German Student Is Going Viral

Eugen Merher presented his own view on the advertising for a popular brand.

An amateur video called Adidas — Break Free created by Eugen Merher, a student at the Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg was viewed almost 2.5 million times since it was published in mid-December. At first, the video went unnoticed, but after several European media outlets wrote about it, it quickly gained popularity.

The 1.5 minute video tells the story of a 79-year-old man who used to run marathons and is currently living in a nursing home. One time, he finds his old running shoes and decided to remember his youth and run a marathon.

The author of the video says that he tried to contact Adidas representatives before posting his work to ask them for help with promotion, but they did not reply.

Last December, an amateur advertising of two other students from Germany, Daniel Titz and Dorian Lebherz, who published an unofficial advertising video for Johnnie Walker, also became popular. Their video was viewed by over 4 million people and many media outlets that specialize in advertising wrote that their work was one of the best in 2015.

When their amateur video went viral, the young directors were noticed by many companies, and in 2016, Titz and Lebherz received an offer from Volvo: their video, called the ABC of Death, told the stories of people dying under different circumstances was released in late October and also received many positive reviews.

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