Call for Submissions for International Slovak Press Photo Contest

Goal of the contest, which also welcomes participants from the nearby countries, is to find young talented photographers for Mass Media.

The jury of the Slovak Press Photo, an international photojournalist contest, announced a call for submissions. Between June 15th and August 31st, photographers from Slovakia and other Eastern Europian countries may submit their press photos.

This year the categories are: reportage, news, portrait, daily life, the world of art, sports, nature, and one special category for students and young photographers up to 25 years. Photographers from Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Belarus and Ukraine can also enter the competition.

“We want to confront the quality of our press photography and international – to focus on current and socially pressing subjects, to allow presentation in the media to young photographers and photographs that do not find recognition in spite of their high quality,” writes the judges.

The name of the winner, who will receive a €2 000 award, will be announced on September 18, 2015.

(Photo on the cover: Lena Jakubčáková – Baba z lesa.)

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