Magazine About Science is Launched in Russia

Founder of the public resource “Obrazovach,” Andrei Konyaev, opened online magazine, “N+1.”

Ex-editor of’s “Science” section, Andrei Konyaev, launched an online magazine N+1 devoted to science and technology. The magazine plans to publish more than 20 articles daily, on the topics of biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, space research and technology.

Every text will have a complexity index – individual assessment of the editor’s efforts to write the article and the potential efforts needed from a reader to understand the content.

According to The Village, N+1 is a commercial product. The magazine plans to receive 400 to 1,500 rubles for one thousand views of banners focused on “young and educated people.”

Konyaev launched an educational public resource Obrazovach on social media, VKontakte, in 2014. Now it has more than 200,000 followers. Recently, Ministry of Education and Science of Russia shortlisted “Obrazovach” for the award “For Commitment to Science”.

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