Magnum Female Photojournalist Contest Accepting Applications

Winner of the Inge Morath Award will receive $5,000 to complete a documentary project.

This month, The Magnum Foundation began accepting applications for the annual Inge Morath Award. The Award of $5,000 will be given to a female photographer under the age of 30 to support the completion of a long-term documentary project.

To participate you need to upload from 40 to 60 photos with captions and a description of a future project to the website until April 30, 2015. The name of the winner will be announced in July 2015.

The award was established by Magnum Photos in 2002 in honor of photojournalist, Inge Morath, who worked with Magnum for more than 50 years, to support socially conscious documentary photographers.

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