Pinhole Camera Causes Fuss in Atlanta

A passersby thought a self-made camera was a bomb and called the bomb squad.

Because of an unknown amateur photographer, police in Atlanta, USA, shut down all the lanes of one of the main bridges in the city, which caused a traffic jam. A local news service reported that in order to make a photo of the sun, an amateur photographer installed a pinhole camera, which became illuminated by sunlight. A passerby called the bomb squad, police and firemen. A worker who saw the device said it consisted of an empty Coca-Cola can with an inscription that read, “Slow motion video. Do not move until spring.”

According to police, the person who caused the incident was probably one of the contributors of Solargraphy Project where photographers from all over the world document normal changes in the path of the sun through a season. To capture the sun, a pinhole camera should be directed at the sun and remain with no motion for a long time. The longer the camera is left untouched – the higher number of the sun’s “pathways” equal to the number of the days of exposure will appear on the photo.

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