Photographers Released After 2 Months of Detainment in UAE

Three men spent two months in a jail for watching the airplanes at the Fujaurah Airport.

The Federal Supreme Court of the UAE released British amateur photographers Conrad Clitheroe, Gary Cooper and Neil Munro. The trio was arrested two months ago, and were been detained in a UAE jail. Police made the arrest on February 22nd on a road near the Fujaurah airport and accused them of illegal photography shooting. Clitheroe, Cooper and Munro argued that they were not shooting, but a confiscated camera possessed a photo of the airport. The photo was created with the help of telescope. Munro explained that the telescope is his property because he is a member of the Dubai Astronomy Group.

“Any request to film or photograph aircraft from within or around the airports has to follow a strict approval process before an individual or group is granted access,” commented a representative of the Dubai airport.

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