Fiction and Truth in a Project by FK Prize Winner Juris Zemitis

Born in Riga, Latvia. Has a BA in Cinematography from the Latvian Academy of Culture. Currently studies photography at ISSP school.
— On a film set everything — light, makeup, costume, set design, is done to make people believe that the world they see is real. Means are not important, it’s all about the result. I feel that the same translates to our everyday life. We build our worlds using what we have at hand and try to believe in them. Where is the line between fiction and reality?

I have been working on film sets for 10 years. For the last four years, I’m a gaffer — the chief lighting technician. This project was done over the last three years on different movie and commercial shoots. Some things can be explained, most are not clear. That’s our life. I’m exploring what my reality is made of, what the building blocks are.
I wanted to show what it’s like to work on a film set. But it turned out to be something different. That’s what I love about photography — you can set out to do one thing, but arrive somewhere else.
I tried to do it in a way that would enable some people to enjoy the strange world of my pictures, others — to get the irony of working on set, while for a third — to find their meaning of life. I think people should see these pictures because they might make them smile or cry.