
Whose jesus is higher

“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image… Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them…” — different interpretations of the Second Commandment give reason for the Orthodox and the Catholics to accuse one another of paganism.

What is more true to the spirit and writings of Christian religion: worship of holy images or stone statues? We are not trying to start a theological argument here, so we just lined up the catholic statues of Jesus by height.

  • 1. Cristo del Otero (21 m). Palencia, Spain.
  • 2. Cristo Redentore di Maratea (21.23 m). Maratea, Italy.
  • 3. Cristo de las Noas (21.8 m). Torreon, Mexico.
  • 4. Cristo Rey (23 m). Guanajuato, Mexico.
  • 5. Cristo del Sagrado Corazón (23 m). Baja California, Mexico.
  • 6. Cristo Rey de los Álamos (23.3 m). Tijuana, Mexico.
  • 7. Cristo de la Misericordia (24 m). San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua.
  • 8. Statue du Christ-Roi (25 m). Rhône-Alpes, France.
  • 9. Cristo Rey (26 m). Cali, Colombia.
  • 10. Cristo Rei of Dili (27 m). Dili, East Timor.
  • 11. Cristo Bendicente (28 m). Yerba Buena, Argentina.
  • 12. El Cristo Roto (28 m). San José de Gracia, Mexico.
  • 13. Christ of Vung Tau (36 m). Vung Tau, Vietnam.
  • 14. Pomnik Chrystusa Króla (36 m). Świebodzin, Poland.
  • 15. Cristo del Pacífico (37 m). Lima, Peru.
  • 16. Cristo Redentor (38 m). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • 17. Cristo Rey (40 m). Mexico City, Mexico.
  • 18. Cristo de la Concordia (40.44 m). Cochabamba, Bolivia.
  • 19. Yesus Kase Berkat (50 m). Manado, Indonesia.
  • 20. Cristo Rei (110 m). Almada, Portugal.

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