All of the Most Disgusting Things at Once: We Have Found the Lamest Gifts and Turned Them into a New Year Monster
Over the past few weeks, Bird in Flight readers have been telling us about the worst New Year’s gift they’ve ever received. From this list, we picked both the most common things (like silly cheap figurines) and the weirdest ones (like a rubber dinosaur head or a taxi cab squares for someone not owning a car). However, they decided to do without a live street rat — and there was such an answer. It took Tanya Kovalchuk about 40 items to assemble a gift monster out of them. Take a closer look at him: maybe he’s not so scary after all, and you actually need all these goods.

Among the worst gifts named there were a calendar, a repeating hamster toy, a pen with a built-in radio, an empty photo album, sugar and salt jars, an electric egg cooker, a mass market shampoo, scented candles that smell bad, and figurines “from the underground passages” [in Ukraine, one can buy things from the stalls right in the passage; they are usually cheap and of a low quality – translator’s note].

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