
Talent Show: Rebecca Strom

Rebecca Strom from Canada thinks that disgusting things are no less relevant than the beautiful things, creates the whole world out of the objects in her photos, and fights emotions when she needs to work.

Vice noticed Rebecca Strom in 2013, before she even turned 25. They published several of her articles, such as her photo review of her own year and a series about a hangover morning after Halloween, which lets you see who she is as a photographer: her photos are trashy and sometimes even disgusting, but there is so much harmony in them that you can’t stop looking. “I think it's important to document disgusting or banal things as they're just as significant, if not more so, as things society perceives as beautiful, — Rebecca explains. — And always much more interesting.”

If I were to describe my photos to someone who has never seen them, I would say they are colorful and maybe at times unsettling.

Together with other young talents from Canada, in January 2015, Rebecca was at the Los Angeles Book Fair. Now she is a staff photographer of The Editorial Magazine (published in Montreal, editor-in-chief artist Claire Milbrath). “I'm very emotional but I'm not very good at showing it. I find it hard to create images when I'm overwhelmed with emotion, but often it's what fuels my creative process”, — Rebecca says.


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