Bird in Flight Prize ‘20 finalists works display in Kyiv streets and online
The projects of the top-10 finalists of Bird in Flight Prize ’20, including the winning series by Paola Jimenez Quispe of Peru can be seen both in the Kyiv streets and online. The photos from the shortlist have been printed and pasted on walls, fences and windows of buildings in the vicinity of Zoloti Vorota and Andriyivskyy Descent. Besides there are video cameras in front of each location to broadcast the exhibition to the web-site of the project. The latter allows one both keeping an eye on the bypassers’ reaction to the pictures and having a closer look at the photos themselves as well as creating their own visual stories by moving pictures to and fro and multiplying them.
The online exhibition will operate till December 6, and the street one will last until the photos are destroyed by time.

«The mission of Bird in Flight Award is to find new ways of telling stories through photography. But this year we decided to cover our finalists in a new way as well. With the start of the pandemic it became clear that we are definitely able to do without exhibition areas. Besides, we wanted to talk about photography with a wider audience, not the one that attends the exhibitions traditionally», — comments Lyolya Goldstein, the curator of Bird in Flight Prize ‘20.
Due to the chosen format the bypassers have an opportunity to “run into” art and to interact with it directly: people have already left writings on the photographs and some photographs have been torn off or pasted over with advertisements, so the display is being modified constantly. There is a QR-code near each project that links to the exhibition’s web-site.
Here are the addresses of locations where one can see the finalists’ projects:
1. Woman Go No’gree, by Gloria Oyarzabal, Spain
Reitarska, 9b
2. Blind River, by Alex Turner, USA
Reitarska, 15 (side section of the building)
3. Corona Rhapsody, by Rafael Heygster, Germany
Reitarska, 15
4. Cut Me A Smile, by Karoline Schneider, Germany
Yaroslaviv Val, the archway between No.15 and No.17
5. Search The Secret Of The Forest, by Pietro Lo Casto, Italy
Yaroslaviv Val, 28
6. Encounter, by Silvia Rosi, Italy
Lvivska square (intersection with Yaroslaviv Val)
7. I Died 22 Times, by Rafael Heygster, Germany
Velyka Zhytomyrska, 34a
8. Güle Güle by Jean-Marc Caimi and Valentina Piccinni, Italy
Andriivskyi Descent, 17
9. Rules For Fighting, by Paola Jimenez Quispe, Peru
Andriivskyi Descent, 12
10. The Book Of Miracles, by Igor Elukov, Russia
Andriivskyi Descent, 12
The web-site also includes the map of the locations.
Bird in Flight Prize is an international award that was established in 2018 by Bird in Flight online magazine about photography and visual culture based in Ukraine. This year the contest saw participants from 53 countries with 450 applications and was judged by: the director of photography of Financial Times FT Weekend Magazine Emma Bowkett, curators Arianna Rinaldo and Agnieszka Olszewska, photographers Misha Pedan, Shadman Shahid, Colin Pantall and Ari Versluis.