Unused Confetti from the Celebration of HIllary Clinton’s Victory Turned into Art Installation

American artist and Hillary Clinton supported created an installation dedicated to her possible victory in the presidential election from unused confetti.

Artist Bunny Burson created an installation in the Bruno David Gallery dedicated to the future that the US could have had if Hillary Clinton won the presidential election. To make it, the artist used colored confetti that were stored in the office of the Democratic Party since the night of the election.

In her interview with NBC Bunny Burson says: “I was among her supporters at the Javits Center waiting for the symbolic shattering of the glass ceiling and the shard-like confetti to fall down on us. We left the ​Javits Center at 2 in the morning with profound emptiness. I wanted to fill that emptiness with hope by giving voice to my feelings that even in defeat​ Hillary’s confetti could be used to inspire the next generations of little girls and young women to dream big and to act on their dreams.”

Bunny Burson worked as a executive director of the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities under Bill Clinton presidency. To find the necessary confetti, she had to ask Democratic party offices all around the country. Many of them responded that they have long put it into the garbage. However, after two weeks of active searching, the artist found what she wanted in Chicago and started making an installation.

Cover photo: From @mattie_says Instagram

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