Comedian Ricky Gervais Flares Up About Photo of Huntress With Trophy

An American actor posted a photo of a dead giraffe - with an irate caption.

American comedian Ricky Gervais tweeted a photo featuring a smiling “huntress,” Rebecca Francis, lying in grass beside a dead giraffe, with the caption, “What must’ve happened to you in your life to make you want to kill a beautiful animal and then lie next to it smiling?” For the next three days his post was re-tweeted by almost 30,000 people.

People who admire hunting see the situation from the different angle; Hunting Life magazine asked Francis for a comment. According to her, five years ago she came upon this giraffe while hunting and realized it was an old bull, kicked out of the herd. The aged animal was wandering all alone. So, following the request of local people, she put it down, in order for community members to use the animal’s meat for food, and it’s tail and bones for making jewelry. Francis did not comment on why she is smiling in the photo.

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