The Cut Compares Evolution of Beauty Between 1910 And 2010

In series of short videos magazine shows changes in perception of women’s beauty in the USA and Iran.

This week American magazine The Cut published two new videos from their 100 Years of Beauty series that examines changing beauty standards in the 20th century. The first video features the evolution of African American women, and the second video features Iranian women. The series premiered in December with the video about white US women.

100 years of beauty – Episode 2: USA. Marshay.

100 years of beauty – Episode 3: Iran. Sabrina.

The Cut’s Creative Director, Mike Gaston in an interview with admitted that the most difficult part of making the series was finding and collecting information about the women of other countries.

“When we started this series we always knew we were going to want to do other cultures. Our hope was to make a series that invited people to view other cultures in a way they may not have. It’s easy to construct an image in your mind about someone from another country. Our videos are an attempt to present alternative images and hopefully humanize people that are often turned into caricatures in popular media,” said Gaston.

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