Designer Dominic Wilcox Stars in Video About Everyday Inventions

British artist explained how he creates extraordinary ideas.

Director Liam Saint-Pierre published a short film titled “The Reinvention of Normal,” which depicts the British designer Dominic Wilcox and his creative process of designing extraordinary devices. In an interview the artist talks how to replace a blender with a football ball, how to listen to a bird talk, what “reverse bungee” means and explains how to stay in a creative mood.

“I had not made anything for a while. And I stopped thinking of many ideas. I hit myself creating block. And so, I wanted to put pressure on myself TO BE creative. So, thee idea I had was to challenge myself to come up with something creative every day for thirty days in a row and photograph it, videotape it and put it on the blog. Having a playful approach helps me to be creative, which is lucky because it quite exiting and I enjoy the playfulness and just doing the things. Even though they are completely ridiculous sometimes. So what? Let’s do the ridiculous!” says Wilcox.

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