3D Printer Transformed Into A Tattooing Machine

French students invented a way to reproduce an exact copy of any digital image on skin.

At the exhibition “Future Of Design And Engineering,” which was held in Paris last week, students of the design school ENSCI-Les Ateliers presented a Tatoué project – a 3D printer remodeled into a tattooing machine capable of making tattoos in automatic mode. In the process of development, the equipment was tested on silicone and recently on the human’s skin: on a forearm of a volunteer Tatoué made a perfect circle.

Human skin is much more elastic than the silicone, so inventors said, that they are looking for a method to tighten the area under the needle. So far machine is very successful in making simple images: lines or geometrical figures. The developers are planning to upgrade it to make more complex designs.

{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/tattoo_01.jpg”, “text”: “” },
{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/tattoo_02.jpg”, “text”: “” },
{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/tattoo_03.jpg”, “text”: “” }

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