Newborns Can Post To Facebook With New Toys

A student created set of the children’s toys which can make posts to Facebook and Twitter on behalf of a newborn.

In her graduation project New Born Fame Design Academy Eindhoven student Laura Cornet introduces “smart-toys” which are capable of making posts to social media networks on behalf of an infant. It’s a collection of cloud-connected gadgets: a mobile, a pair of shoes and a selfie-ball. The mobile tangles Twitter and Facebook icons and films and posts videos of the child as they reach for it. A pair of shoes, equipped with a delicate pedometer and GPS tracker will act like Nike+ following the child’s movement while mapping the trajectory. A selfie-ball will photograph a baby whenever the ball rotates. All the data will be uploaded onto the internet.

The designer says that her inventions raises questions about rights with babies on the internet. “I like the possibilities a lot! I just think some parts of the use of these new technical things aren’t explored enough from a social or ethical point of view,” says Lora.

The project is not a commercial hit yet, and the inventor admits there is no guarantee of success. At the same time Cornet is convinced that the selfie ball, more than the others, will be popular because it can perform several functions; for example it can also act like a baby monitor, sending pictures to parents.

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{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/New-Born-Fame-004.png”, “alt”: ” “, “text”: “” }

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