A social media app for children just came out

Norway company Kuddle AS launched a photo network for children and its mobile app

Unlike other photo apps, Kuddle doesn’t just allow photo sharing on the net, but also teaches the basics of “nethiket” (appropriate online behavior). According to the program developers, in order to beat online violence and bullying we need to work with children, first and foremost. That’s the whole reason why Kuddle was created.

In order to have a record in the app, you need to download contacts of a parent or a caregiver who keeps track of the child’s activity online. Only friends can look at the profile, and the geolocation is not functional. You can post “likes” anonymously on Kuddle, but you can’t leave a comment. In order to publish a photo you need to agree to the terms that trolling is as bad in the virtual environment as it is in real life.

The app is available on Google Play and AppStore, and you can download it for free.

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