Teen Takes Photo with Body of Murdered Classmate

A screenshot of the photo in Snapchat became a key piece of evidence in the criminal case.

On last Friday in Pittsburgh (USA), 16-year-old Marion Morton was charged with killing his classmate. The main evidence is a photo of Morton with the body of the murdered boy, which Morton sent to a friend.

Morton sent the selfie using the mobile app Snapchat, where messages disappear automatically within several seconds. However, the recipient saved it, so police had a clue for the case, says Pittsburgh Tribune Review. After policemen found a murder weapon at Morton’s home, he confessed to killing his classmate.

Director of the Media Psychology Research Center, Pamela Rutledge, says that what happened is a result of criminal pathology rather than developed technology. “Perpetrators in need of validating their power and sense of self-importance have used all kinds of communications to ‘brag’ about criminal activities — from the local hangout to social media, like Facebook.”

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