White House Doesn’t Know How to React to Drones

The Secret Service does not have instructions about how to act in the case of a drone appearance near the residence of the American President.

In spite of an urgent need for policy concerning the White House’s stand about drones, the Department of Homeland Security and the US Secret Service have not provided a clear statement yet, says New York Magazine. Recently, a drone flew over the American President’s residence and it crashed on the White House lawn. Later, a governmental employee said that he was flying the device for recreational purposes and lost control of it. The accident brought attention to the subject because drones can be modified to carry weapons and may threaten the National defense system.

The question is not regulated yet under US legislation. The Defense Department “typically scrambles fighter aircraft for aerial threats over Washington, but when it gets to a toy, that’s not something the military typically addresses.” The drone’s small size makes them difficult to spot and shoot down.

New York Magazine said that there are several drone-detection systems which are used by celebrities to protect themselves from paparazzi, however; an official said that the Secret Service is “still trying to work through this.”

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