Instagram of the Day: American West in the Photographs Taken by a 6-Year-Old

Hawkeye Huey has over 200,000 subscribers.

In 2014, 4-year-old Hawkeye Huey, son of Aaron Huey, American photojournalist who works for the National Geographic, went on a trip around the American West together with his father. During the trip, he took hundreds of photographs, which were later published on Instagram @hawkeyehuey, which now has 200,000 subscribers.

“When Hawkeye was 4, I decided he was old enough to start going on adventures with me,” the boy’s father says. “We had bought a Fuji Instax instant camera. That first trip with cameras was not about photography — it was about connecting as a father and son — but as soon as Hawkeye started shooting photos I fell in love with the photos and wanted to do more trips. I find Hawkeye’s photos much more interesting than the ‘perfect’ photos we see everywhere.”

Huey is six now, and several months ago Outsider Books published his first photo book called Сowboys Indians Hobos Gamblers Patriots Tourists & Sunsets — it features 126 color photographs taken during the trip. To publish the book, Huey fundraised on Kickstarter: users donated over $45,000.

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