A Man with an iPhone Photobombs a Newspaper Report about a Demolition

The observer who was filming the demolition of smokestacks of the local factory spoiled the report of a local newspaper.

Last Friday, on December 9, the smokestacks of the former Armorcast factory in Birdsboro, PA were demolished, PetaPixel writes. Susan Angstadt, the reporter from a local newspaper Reading Eagle, arrived to the location in the morning: three hours before the demolition she chose her shooting location, installed the equipment and asked the observers to stay away from her frame.

When the demolition started, Angstadt saw that a man who was filming it was running over the hill in her direction. The reporter did not have time to react and stop him, so he ended up in her frame at exactly the moment when the smokestacks started falling. At first, Angstadt was furious, but later watched the video again and thought it was funny.

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