National Geographic Captures Elon Musk’s Joy After the Successful Landing of a Rocket

National Geographic posted a one-year old video that captures the emotions of SpaceX CEO Elon Musk after the successful landing of a rocket.

In December 2015, SpaceX performed a vertical landing of the Falcon 9 rocket booster for the first time, after spent a short time in the open space. SpaceX did landings such as this one before, only with the rockets that did not leave the atmosphere. SpaceX wants to save the boosters after launches, repair and refill them, and send to space again. Supposingly this will allow the company to make launches more frequent and cheaper, and therefore influence the future of space exploration.

The video of National Geographic shows for the first time the reaction of the head of the company Elon Musk to the successful landing. After the launch he ran out to the street to look at the rocker in sky, and at some point it seemed to him the the flight has failed. “This is bad,” he says, looking into the sky. After the landing Musk ran to the control center to check whether the rocket stayed vertical. He was surprised when he saw that it was fine.

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