Link of the Day: The Most Simple Platform for Posting Texts Online

Boing Boing editor Rob Beschizza launched, the simplest ever platform for publishing texts.

The platform called has a field to put in the text and the button to publish it. It does not support any of the contemporary features: “There’s no tracking, ad-tech, webfonts, analytics, javascript, cookies, databases, user accounts, comments, friending, likes, follower counts or other quantifiers of social capital,” Rob Beschizza, the creator of the platform, says in the ‘About’ section. The posts are uploaded without the name of the author or time of uploading and are not collected into one blog like on Telegraph). prohibits the search systems to index the contents, that’s why it is impossible to find the texts published on the platform on Google. The only way to tell the world about your publication is to post a link to it somewhere else. The text editor supports Markdown and has three design features: green text on black field, justified text, and text with a date.

Beschizza writes that he created a place where published texts can forever remain unread. He compares the platform with the early Internet, where the texts were published outside the ecosystem, and the authors didn’t know how many people read them.

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