Playboy Reshoots Covers from the 1970s-1980s with the Same Models

The magazine showed what the models who were featured on its covers look like now.

Photographers Ryan Lowry and Ben Miller reshot Playboy covers from the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, featuring the same models. The series titled Once a Playmate Always a Playmate includes seven reenacted covers — all of them are published on the magazine’s website.

The project involves, among others, 54-year-old Kimberley Conrad, who was featured on the cover in August 1988, 49-year-old Renee Tenison featured on Playboy cover in July 1990, and 60-year-old Candace Collins: the magazine was published with her photograph on the cover in February 1979.

Cathy St. George, October 1981

Candace Collins, February 1979

Kimberley Conrad, August 1988

Charlotte Kemp, October 1983

Monique St. Pierre, June 1979

Renee Tenison, June 1990

Lisa Matthews, June 1991

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