Author of District 9 Releases a Short Film About God

Neill Blomkamp continues to test the interest of his audience for his ideas for future feature films.

Oats studio of filmmaker Neill Blomkamp who is known for his work on Elysium, Chappie, and District 9, which brought him an Academy award nomination, presented a new short film, God: Serengeti.

The four-minute video is about God — who is shown as an elderly man who observes people trying to make a fire right from his office. Just for fun, he doesn’t let them do it, sends them rain and jokes that it is a good idea to make their brains smaller again.

God: Serengeti is one of the short videos from Blomkamp’s new project where he publishes experimental videos with an interesting concept. The filmmaker said earlier that his goal is to see whether the public will be interested in such films. The best short movies will later be turned into full-length works.

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