$30,000 for Printer of Augmented Reality Photos Raised in 11 Hours

You will be able to view dynamic versions of the photographs with your smartphone.

A campaign to raise money to manufacture a portable LifePrint printer on Kickstarter had the necessary amount after 11 hours.

LifePrint can print augmented reality photographs, which allows to view not only static, but also dynamic photographs. The necessary $30,000 were raised in the first day, there are 58 days left till the end of the campaign.

To get a ‘live’ photograph, the user will need to upload short animations of video files to LifePrint application, after that the printer will print one of the frames as a photo. Looking through the phone’s camera, it will be possible to see the dynamic version of the picture.

“LifePrint is capable to create photos as rich and lively, as your memories”, — the description of the new device says.

The creators say that LifePrint will be on sale since mid-2016.

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