Artist Creates Fictional Archaeological Artifacts From The Future

New York artist Daniel Arsham has imagined how 20th century devices would look if discovered by archeologists in a thousand years.

The exhibition “Welcome to the Future” by New York artist Daniel Arsham will open on November 15th in the Locust Projects (Miami, USA). For the installation, the artist dug an excavation trench 25 feet in diameter into the floor of the gallery and filled it with sculptures of contemporary media devices – smartphones, film projectors, electric guitars,and portable televisions – all rendered in ancient geological materials like volcanic ash and crystal. According to Arsham, this is how the exhibits would look in an archeological museum in 3014.

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{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Arsham_04.jpg”, “alt”: “An artist has created the fictional archaeological artifacts of the future “, “text”: “” }

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