Burning Man is broadcasted online for the first time

The 28th annual festival Burning Man that began on 25 August is being broadcasted online for the very first time in its history, according to Inspired. You can watch the broadcast on Livestream (the total number of views is already over 4 million).
Culture festival Burning Man is an annual eight-day-long event that takes place in Black Rock Desert of Nevada, USA, and starts on the last Monday of August. Its participants, who call themselves burners, create art objects and performances on a certain, determined in advance theme (this year it’s the Silk Road inspired “Caravansary”). On the last day of the festival the attendees traditionally burn a human statue made out of wood, and that’s how the name Burning Man evolved.
As a reminder, agency Race Point Publishing recently published a bookdedicated to the phenomenon of Burning Man. The edition contains photographs from different years of the festival, as well as interviews with the burner artists.