CineFix Creates a List of the Most Beautiful Movies

The YouTube Channel CineFix created the list of Top 10 Most Beautiful Movies of All Time. The criteria was: cinematography, frame composition, and color grading.

Each of the movies mentioned in the list has symbolic meaning. For example, “Manhattan” by Woody Allen at ninth place reflects the tendency of contemporary Hollywood cinematography to shoot in black-and-white. “Hero” marks not only the efforts of the film director Zhang Yimou, but all the film industry of Asia.

Below is a list of the 10 Most Beautiful Movies, according to Cinefix:

10. “Russian Ark” (2002) by Aleksandr Sokurov
9. “Manhattan” (1979) by Woody Allen
8. “Citizen Kane” (1941) by Orson Welles
7. “2001: A Space Odyssey” (1968) by Stanley Kubrick
6. “The Conformist” (1970) by Bernardo Bertolucci
5. “The Fall” (2006) by Tarsem Singh
4. “Hero” (2202) by Zhang Yimou
3. “Lawrence of Arabia” (1962) by David Lean
2. “The Tree of Life” (2011) by Terrence Malick
1. “Samsara” (2011) by Ron Fricke

CineFix was created by filmmakers, directors and other professionals in the film industry. The main goal of the YouTube channel is “to entertain, inform and inspire.”

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