Infographic of the Day: 15 Strange Correlations

Tyler Vigen published the graphs that show a correlation between otherwise unrelated things.

Harvard graduate and business consultant Tyler Vigen launched a project called Spurious Correlations, where he posts various graphs, which demonstrate correlations between things that have no connection to each other.

The author says that he wants to visualize the fact that the correlation does not mean causation.

In his examples, you see that the graphs representing ‘Number of people, who drowned by falling into a pool’ and ‘Films Nicolas Cage appeared in’ are almost identical, or the correlation between the amount of money the US government allocated on science and the number of suicides by hanging, strangulation, and suffocation.

In May 2015, Spurious Correlations was published as a book. It is available on Amazon.

Cover photo: Depositphotos

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