Instructor Publishes Photo Book About Street Yoga

Anja Humljan wants to prove that city streets can be used for yoga.

An architect, yogi and dancer from Slovenia, Anja Humljan completed Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to publish a photo book “The Urban Yoga”. The pledged amount of $10,000 was exceeded by 15 percent.

According to a description made by Hunljan, the book will be devoted to the harmony of the human and urban environment. Humljan is trying to change stereotypes about megalopolises being a source of stress and disharmony.

“In my third year I noticed there was something missing in the way we were taught to think about and feel architecture. As a young architect, who was intensely involved with yoga and dance, I found it difficult to design space based merely on geometry and function. I felt that by focusing on our bodily experience, keen intuition, the telling of stories, and the passing of time could open up new possibilities, new ways of thinking and living,” writes the author.

Humljan worked on the project for the last two years while she working as a freelance architect and designer in New York, Madrid, Paris and Ljubljana. Images made by the local photographers feature Anja on the street while she does asana positions.

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{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/yoga_02.jpg”, “text”: ” ” },
{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/yoga_03.jpg”, “text”: ” ” },
{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/yoga_04.jpg”, “text”: ” ” },
{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/yoga_05.jpg”, “text”: ” ” },
{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/yoga_06.jpg”, “text”: ” ” },
{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/yoga_07.jpg”, “text”: ” ” },
{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/yoga_08.jpg”, “text”: ” ” },
{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/yoga_09.jpg”, “text”: ” ” },
{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/yoga_10.jpg”, “text”: ” ” },
{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/yoga_11.jpg”, “text”: ” ” }

It is planned that the book will be published in March 2015 and will cost $60.00

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