Journalists Explore North Korean Media

Two employees of the NK News website decided to compare media instruments of the present-day world and also in DPRK.

Next week in London the exhibition “Icons of Rhetoric” will open. It’s a joint project of the NK News news site employees: photographer Chris Barrett and journalist Gianluca Spezza. The
project is devoted to research on visual images in North Korea mass media and represents a series of photos featuring computers’ screens broadcasting news, films, books and photos from DPRK. The images were printed out using Impossible Project printer, which made them look like Polaroid cards.

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{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/ior-chris-barrett-8-of-20.jpg”, “text”: ” ” },
{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/ior-chris-barrett-7-of-20.jpg”, “text”: ” ” },
{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/ior-chris-barrett-6-of-20.jpg”, “text”: ” ” },
{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/ior-chris-barrett-5-of-20.jpg”, “text”: ” ” }

“In contemporary living, more than ever, we are influenced and exposed to ‘soundbites’, clickbait, playlists and ‘likes’. We can comment, we can share, we can troll or even set up our own news outlets in an instant. We can achieve all this from a mobile device in the palm of our hand, taking charge of a narrative or even creating our own. Icons of Rhetoric is a text and image
project that merges established media practices with more contemporary ones”, explain authors of the project.


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