Magnum Contact Sheets Exhibition to Open in Amsterdam

Contact sheets of photographs by iconic photographers will be shown in the exbition organized by the Magnum Photos agency.

From September 11 to December 9, the museum Foam in Amsterdam will host the Magnum Contact Sheets exhibition, which offers contact sheets of photos made by Magnum Photos agency photographers between 1930 and 2010.

About 60 contact sheets by famous photographers, such as Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, David Seymour, Martin Parr, Jim Goldberg, Trent Parke, Paolo Pellegrin and Alec Soth, will be exhibited.

The organizers say that this exhibition will expose creative methods, strategies and characteristic features of the working process behind the greates photographs in the history of photography.

(Cover photo credit Rene Buri / Magnum Photos / Foam Museum)

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