Christopher Morris Made a Series of Mini-Documentaries About the Presidential Race in the US

An American photographer captured the speeches of presidential candidates in the US in slow motion.

Time magazine published a series of six short movies by American photographer Christopher Morris, The Candidates, which capture the speeches of the US presidential candidates in slow motion.

The slowed-down footage made with a high-speed camera is accompanied with program speeches of each of the candidates and contrasted with the reaction of the audience.

Morris says that each of the short movies offers a special, deeper view on political theater in the US. “I didn’t try to make anybody look bad. I didn’t try to make anybody look great, — the author says. — I was just trying to show this ceremonial ritual of a candidate trying to seduce the public into voting for them”.

Bird In Flight published an interview earlier with Christopher Morris, whose professional experience includes covering military conflicts in several countries and covering the White House for nine years.

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