Video of the Day: Hungry Snakes Chasing Iguanas

Internet users compare the five-minute video with the best of Hollywood.

BBC released a teaser to the first episode of the documentary called Planet Earth II, where dozens of hungry snakes are hunting little iguanas, Mashable writes. The video immediately went viral on social networks and had millions of views.

The video was filmed on Fernandina Island in the Pacific Ocean, which is one of the Galapagos Islands. Many media and Internet users have noted that in terms of the plot and the tension the video is better than many Hollywood thrillers: newborn iguanas need to pass the dangerous road to the top of the mountain where the adults iguanas are waiting for them, and evade the predators who are chasing them.

“One chase scene and narrow escape was more thrilling than anything in James Bond and actually not that different,” British TV critic Jim Shelley said.

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