Four Australians Accidentally Drifted to the Open Sea While Taking a Selfie

The girls were found by a local fisherman who was looking for squid half a kilometer off the shore.

Four high school students in the state of Victoria, Australia accidentally drifted to the open sea when trying to take a selfie, Mashable writes. The girls said they were swimming on inflatable toys and at some point realized that the wind carried them away too far from the shore.

“We just wanted to get a few good Instagram pictures, and it turned out we drifted nearly all the way to the other island,” one of the girls explained.

The girls were found by a local fisherman, Alex King, who was looking for squid together with his friend in the same area. By that time, the girls were already half a kilometer away from the shore — in the waters where sharks are not uncommon. The man helped the girls up his boat and took them back to the shore.

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