
Links of the Week

Royal pugs, break up food, real life emoji, and Japanese Andy Warhol in the weekly digest by Bird In Flight.

Read My Lips

Robert Bahou photographs animals with character.

Real Life Emoji

Peechaya Burroughs imagined what emoji icons would look like in real life.

Colors of the City

Street artist El Seed painted one graffiti on fifty houses in Cairo.

Soup Art

Hyo Taek Kim combines the style of Andy Warhol and Hayao Miyazaki.

Pug for King!

Phillip and Sue Lauer directed the alternative screen version of the Game of Thrones saga, featuring their pugs.

In Natural Environment

Michael Doyle assembles wildlife scenes from Legos.

Girls Only

Maxi Cohen has photographed WCs for women all over the world for several years.

Renaissance Glitch

Javier Jensen combined Renaissance paintings and glitch technology.


Thomas Lamadieu fills the sky with creatures drawn in Paint.

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