
Links of the Week

Beetle drones, houses in manholes, a game with no limits, and a story of Super Mario in the weekly digest by Bird In Flight.

Rock Bottom

Fra Biancoshock turns Milano manholes into underground rooms.

Alive Language

Trevor Wheatley makes words come alive by adding them to exotic landscapes.

Not Again

Shawn Huckins combines 19th century-style painting and modern social network-style phrases.

The Return of the Plumber

The creators of Super Mario Bros showed the sketches of the first levels of the legendary video game, drawn on graph paper in 1985.

The House of Illusions

Zsolt Hlinka designs symmetrical facades for fictional buildings, inspired by early 19th century Budapest architecture.


Nanyang Technological University engineers turn beetles into drones.

Nice to Meet You

Ali Mobasser studies the world together with his 3-year-old son, and photographs people they meet on the way.

Starting Points

Zhu Daoping draws worlds from lines and dots in the style of classical Chinese illustrations.

Everything under Control

David O’Reilly created a game where players can manipulate every object.

Unusual Angle

Naro Pinosa creates collages, filling old photographs with new meanings.

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