Links of the Week
A Big Job
Blake Morrow of Toronto photographed his friend, Beth, before and after she lost nearly 70 kilograms.
World of Ice and Fire
This is how the continent of Westeros from “Game of Thrones” would look on Google Maps.
The Birth of Sake
Erik Shirai and his crew lived with workers who are engaged in the production of sake.
Don’t Go to the Fortune Teller
Photographer Alice Smeets and a group of Haitian artists, Atiz Rezistans, revived scenes from Tarot cards.
On the Brink
American artist Peter Erskine creates light installations using prisms.
The Gummy Side
Photographer and street artist Crummy Gummy created the helmet of Darth Vader made completely of gummy bears in two months.
Once a Month
Jen Lewis is an expert in modern art — she uses her own menstrual blood to make paintings.
For the Little Ones
Artist Kiva Ford blows glassware at the height of a few inches.
Viva Parrots
Rachel Glass photographed pet birds at the moment of their release from their cages.
The Meaning of Color
The School of Life is selling sets of pencils with psychological characteristics of each color.
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