
Links of the Week

Fireworks from flowers, Lego in a bottle, tiered plates, and houses in wild nature in the weekly digest by Bird In Flight.

Split Personalities

Yoshitoshi Kanemaki cuts from wood figurines of people you won’t see in the street.

Flower Fireworks

Sarah Illenberger made fireworks from flower bouquets.

Doctor Chaos

Ursus Wehrli attempted to structure this chaotic world.

A House Makes a Place

Matthias Jung creates photo collages, where fairy-tale houses adorn reserved landscapes.

Cold Preservation

Kenji Shibata turned flowers frozen in blocks of ice into watercolor paintings.

Go East

Mehmet Gozetlik put together a series of Chinese neon signboards for 20 popular international brands.

Bottle in Details

A Lego fan, nicknamed Bangoo H, builds ships in bottles from Lego pieces.

One Pile of a Plate

Caroline Slotte revised the traditional approach to creating tableware. Yes, it is one plate in the picture.

Added Life

James Merry decorated famous sports logos with plants.

Scary to Eat

James Kennedy created a series of posters that play on the obsession for knowing the ingredients of everything that we eat.

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