
The Week’s Links

An origami sculpture, the sexual fantasies of couples, a fast food renaissance, and beautiful corners in Bird In Flight’s weekly digest.

After Hours

For his project Day and Night, photographer Forest McMullin asked couples to be photographed in private moments of sexual intimacy.

Catching Corners

Zhenya Aerohockey launched the hashtag #catchingcorners in his Instagram feed to spur imagination. As it turns out, the world is full of beautiful corners.

Sky Trails

IT-developer Alexey Papulovsky and designer Nikolai Guryanov visualized the trajectory of passenger planes throughout the world.

Looking For Alice

A touching series by Sian Davey that explores how difficult it can be to understand and love your own child. The photographer takes pictures of his daughter, Alice, who was born with Down Syndrome.

Paris 360

Gilles Vidal created a panoramic site of Paris for those wishing to get a bird’s eye view.

Burger Renaissance

Rebecca Ruetten shoots fast food in the style of the Renaissance. Contemporary Pieces is a project based in humor, but with a deeper meaning hidden in the subtext.

Breaking Gravity

In order to shoot capture breakdancers in slow motion, Marc Donahue used a custom-made array of 20 GoPros and a Red Epic camera.

An Artist Burns

Artist Jordan Mang-Osan burns pictures with a magnifying glass and sunlight. Creating one drawing takes several months.

Origami Sculpture

Designer Jo Nakashima creates origami scultures from paper cubes and shares the experience in an educational video.

What’s On a Barge

Hungarian photographer Gyula Sopronyi was curious about what old barges carry. His series, Floating Aspects, is a tribute to these «sluggish giants», that are gradually making a comeback.

Catch Me If You Can

Stolen Camera Finder can help find a stolen camera. All that’s needed is any photo taken by the stolen camera.

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